Monday, June 18, 2007

Long time no post...

Summer is going ok. I have two jobs and a boyfriend. I am stressed out and over emotional. I hate the house I live in because there is useless crap everywhere, like free AOL discs from 1999. What was that AOL .05?? Seriously. There is a brand new computer sitting in the corner still in the box, oh wait it was new in 2004 when it was bought. The level of packratness is gross, the house isn't taken care of and I don't like having to deal with someone who says make yourself comfortable but oh wait why did you do that and don't do this. I don't like a hypocrite, granted sometimes we all are.
My relationship is on a bumpy road right now but we are doing well and still happy. I just feel helpless sometimes I just don't know what to do sometimes. I feel like I am fine but he seems so fragile, he is overworked and doesn't sleep, not to mention he worries about me constantly. I have been trying to help him but we only get to see each other once or twice a week. Kinda sucks. He has no time for himself so he has to take that time out of our time, I am just glad I get to see him at all.
I have never been a champion breather but when I woke up not breathing a few weeks ago the problem was really made clear to me. Not only was I not breathing I had trouble getting myself to breath again. I have never been so scared. So more doctors and some checkups etc. and hopefully they will figure out why I am tired all the time and why I snore so loud and why I woke up not breathing, and then solve it. In turn I hope that fixing whatever is going on there will help me be more energetic and focused.
I am tired and I don't have internet or t.v. Books are my savior.

Monday, May 7, 2007


I turned in my last final at midnight tonight and it felt so fricken good! Except I tripped up the stairs to the library to print my final off. It was fairly embarassing cause my manila envelope went flying and so did I. Atleast it was dark out. Stupid stairs.
I feel really good about this last semester. I fell like I finally buckled down and put serious effort into my work and classes. Makes me feel good about myself. I didn't go out nearly as much and haven't really been hanging out with anyone except my boyfriend but oh well.
I can't wait to go home. I am home sick and I just want good food. Commons food will never be good. It just won't.
This summer should be fun too because I will be running the Anthro. museum here on campus.
Two more weeks and I am 21. I am not as excited as I thought I would be, maybe it's cause I am exhausted.
Sleep is calling.

Tuesday, April 24, 2007

A note or two

I have a week and a half of school left and I can't believe it's almost over with. I have a regular exam, a final exam, final paper and two museum labels due and then I am done. After that I have to pack up my room and move into Tina's.

My moms birthday is on mother's day so that should be interesting especially considering I have no money at all. I need my tax return's really bad gah. My birthday is coming up really fast and finally I will be done with the last exciting birthday. Although this birthday probably won't be that exciting. I might go to a few bars but I really don't enjoy getting shit faced and puking all over the place.

So I got a job but it's been a week and the guy still hasn't gotten back to me on when I start. This makes me nervous because if he changed his mind I need to start looking for a job, now. I emailed him yesterday, but the museums are closed on mondays so I think he wasn't in, but still. Boooo to that.

On another random note, I am ridiculously happy. Yeah I have everyday stresses, angers, downers, but I am happy. I am happy with me and who I am. Struggling with depression really held me back and I feel like this last semester the last cloud was finally lifted.

Another happy aspect: my boyfriend. We have only been together for a few months but it feels like a much longer time. We were immediately comfortable around each other and out of that a friendship has sprung and out of that an infatuation. I don't want to say it's love although sometimes it's hard not to tell him I love him. It could easily become love and I can't wait for that. I can see us being together for a long time, and I am really excited. I want to be with him and I have managed to push aside the commitment scares the hell out of me stuff. And I can say pretty safely he is at the same place as me. : )

Tuesday, April 17, 2007

good day

I had a wonderful day today. I had a job interview at 11, which I got, and I gave a kickass presentation for 20 nerve racking minutes. I feel great. It's finally nice outside and there are only 2.5 weeks of school left. I also took an amazing 1.5 hour long nap in which I did not dream at all. So today indeed has been a wonderful day!

Wednesday, April 11, 2007

Days of Yore

So the weather here is a big stinky turd. It's April 11th and there is a few inches of snow on the ground with 6-9 more coming tonight. It's the week before my period, School is winding down and finals are coming up, and I hate getting wet. So today I was in the bitchiest mood I could have been in. Just crabby all around. For example my boyfriend tried to grab my ass and I nearly broke his arm. I hate being crabby, I don't like to be mean but lately, this week so far, I have just been a little black cloud running around on campus trying to electricuit people.

Speaking of electricity, it was down on the entire campus. So I said to myself what did people do when the sun went down in days of yore, well they went to sleep so I went to sleep. In the meantime the rest of Beloit College campus decided to go dance in the snow by the light of car headlamps. Really good example of what would not happen in the real world, hahaha. Really if I had been a delivery person and I drove up to campus and not a single light was on, including street lights, and everyone was outside dancing on a Wed. night I would lock my doors and keep driving.

As a side note I think I have an idea of what I want to do in grad. school and I am really fricken excited. West Mexican pottery. There is a literal blackhole of information missing from this area and there is so much I could do I can barely stand it. For example I could deal with the temper, the clay itself, how they are physically constructing the pots, where are they making them, who is making them, what do the everyday people and villages look like? Seriously I could go on. So I am very excited and when the time comes I think I can get a good recommendation from a prof. I have been working with who shares my excitement for ceramics. Plus my Spanish totally applies. It's amazing how easy it was to double major and still be able to graduate in 4 years. Yes I love liberal arts and science private colleges! Hahaha

So I geuss that puts me in a pretty damn good mood, having an idea where I want my career to go. : )


Tuesday, April 10, 2007


My car is seriously pissing me off. It sounds like a fucking lawn-mower and then I figured out hey I haven't had an oil change in awhile and checked my oil and there was no oil. heh. oops. kicks self in face! so I called my mom whose boyfriend is a mechanic yadah yaddah and I did what he told me to do and it sounds less like a lawnmower. But it still sounds like a fucking lawnmower!!!! I am going to fire bomb that piece of shit!!!!! Garrgh!

Saturday, April 7, 2007

long time no post

I haven't had much to say lately. I think that's obvious. I have been doing a lot of work lately and this last week went terribly slow. It's the fifth week before the end of the year and it's been a month since spring break and even the professors are feeling the end of the year creeping up. I have been working closely with one of my professors on my presentations and what not and I think we have made a bond. She loves ceramics and so do I. We also don't like the same person in the class.

My boyfriend and I are doing well, Octavio came down for a night to hang out and met him. He gave his approval. : )

It's probably stress but lately my dreams have been horrendous. Not only do they not make sense but they are also full of blood and guts. For example: In this dream it was like I was standing on a second story porch or something watching things play out. Infront of me were two fields, one on each side of a house. The fields which were actually quite small were full of cows on the right side and bulls on the left. For whatever reason the bulls horns were about 3 feet long and looked more like a ridiculous pitch fork. By the house was a fat clown looking man who was weed-whacking or something. He kept getting closer to the bull side of the house. In the meantime the bulls were trying to see who was dominate and they were trying to hump each other. Then a very young bull tried to hump a bull in his prime and the older bull turned around and chased all the bulls out of the yard. For whatever reason there was a big black bear sleeping in the middle of that field and when the bulls started running it woke the bear up. the bear turned ferocious and chased the rest of the bulls out of the yard. At this point in time the fat bobbly man had entered the bull field and was standing in the path of the bear. The bear used its claws and slashed the mans front and then continue after the bulls. The man turned around and fell on his back still intact. Another individual, possibly representing me as someone else, came and squatted at the head of this man and threw themself onto his torso where they fell into his body via the slashes the bear had made. The person wasn't expecting this and sat up covered in blood and guts and started screaming the most horrendous scream.

That dream tied into another dream where that person had become a CSI and had convulsions anytime they were reminded of that incident.

As most of the people who are close to me know this type of dream, totally random and very vivid, is typical of my dreams every night. If only I had the time to write all my fucked up dreams down!


Monday, March 26, 2007


So it looks like my sister doesn't have this new disease afterall. Whew! I was so fricken happy I almost started crying again. She is just a stressed out overworked above and beyond kid.

I got back from the conference yesterday and slept a solid 9 hours which is a rare amount of sleep. I also managed to get up on time 9:00 which is also rare and amazing. I had breakfast, took a shower, and ran some errands all before my first class at 11:00! I feel pretty good today.

The conference was fun, although I did fall asleep during several of the lectures, heh. I then began to furiously take notes so as not to fall asleep. Turns out our group of 3 Jessica's and an Ameliah were the only undergrad.s at the entire thing. I think the most important thing I took away from the conference was how people who do research interact and how they communicate what they are doing. Unfortunately I didn't get to go to the banquet so I missed the drunkeness if there was any. The reception was very short so not enough time for anyone to get seriously drunk. It was good to see a group of people who read each other's papers and know who everyone is in reference to the papers interact. There were several laughing moments where I laughed along and then I thought oh god no normal person in society would understand this.

My title has to do with me and how sometimes I just really don't like people for whatever reason. I can't handle when people don't pay attention and ask a million questions interrupting the person who is explaining. Sometimes I just want to say shut the fuck up you silly bitch. But that isn't very appropriate and not very nice. This last trip I had a hard time being nice to two of the five people that went.

Spring is here early and if anything it feels like summer. It's cool with me I just wish the air conditioning was on.


Thursday, March 22, 2007


So today has been an interesting day, my boyfriend and I were both crabby and not feeling well even though we insist on still being around each other. Meh.

His mom is being a jerk. She took $500 from him without asking and doesn't want to pay it back and turns everything around on him. So he is in a delightful mood because of this. Parents gah! I am so glad I am over all that crap, if not most of it. I am glad I finally get along with my mom.

Anyways his financial toils have reminded me of my own. I have no money. Oh wait 18 in savings and 12 in checking. I managed to pay my bills this month but what about next month? And in the mean time I have absolutely no money in case of emergency or for food. Booooooooo.

Tomorrow I am going to souther IL. to attend an env'tal Arch. conference. It should be interesting and I am hoping more so than the class itself. Another archaeology professor of mine said the smaller conferences are more drunk than the bigger ones. Archaeologists if anyone does not know are well known for their drunken adventures at conferences. For example the SAA (Society for American Archaeology) was kicked out of St. Louis for 15 years because of the drunken fighting and parties that occured during it. What amazes me is the majority of these people have PhD.s or are in the process of obtaining one and are professors! Oh archaeology.

The title of my post is the name of a delicious Mexican sandwich that I am currently craving. They are the best and everyone should eat them.


Monday, March 19, 2007


So there are kids protesting on my campus. Notice I say ON campus. My campus is two blocks big and has the population of an average high school. So what is the point of protesting the war on campus where most of the students already agree with you? Is there really a purpose? Don't you think you could do a whole lot better than that considering the capital is not so far away? seriously.


Wednesday, March 14, 2007

so Unfair

So my little sister has been troubled medically since she was very little. It seems like it won't end. A few years ago they figured out her heart was beating oddly and could cause a deadly heart attack without medication. Now it looks like along with that she could have something much more serious and life shortening. I just can't understand why. Why my baby sister. She is so fucking amazing and intelligent and deserves the best of everything. why her and not some undeserving drunk fucker drug using piece of shit worthless to society asshole?? Why her? It's so Unfair. I can't use words to explain or even touch on how devestating this is, how much it hurts and worries. I think most frustrating is it is lifelong and can't be cured. With treatment she could possibly live a normal life but totally compromised by it. I know how Unfair life is I know I know I know I know but I still just can't accept it. Just fuck why can't it stop why can't things stay good or better? Atleast for her. Dammit! Fuck!


Thursday, March 8, 2007

Back on Campus

Spring break is really not all it's cracked up to be. I remember my freshman year when spring break came around and we were all like ok so where do we go? what do we do? And then reality set in and we all went home. hahahaha. MTV makes it seem like everyone goes down to Mexico for spring break, not quite.

I am glad I went home. I stayed with my grandma and it was a lot of fun, free food, and a place to sleep. I am a homebody so my grandma didn't do much worrying cause by the time she got off work at 11p.m. I was already there.

I also got to see some of my cousins, my sister and mom. It was a nice few days. It is also good to be back.

I would like to live off campus but I don't know how I would go about doing this. Especially considering I don't work more than 10 hours a week. I wish there was housing that allowed students to have pets, that's all I really want. Animals are such a stress relief.

The rest of this semester is going to be hard because the weather is starting to get nicer. I just can't believe it's half over already. I like taking things day by day. But it's crazy to think back on how long I have been in college etc.

It was super weird being back home because I was living and working there for 8 months just like any other average jane. When I was there I didn't want to leave but now that I am back on campus I don't want to go back home.

I had a dream the other night that I was pregnant and had a baby and I woke up totally happy and rested. It was strange considering I have always said I don't want children. I think part of that stemmed from the father figures I had growing up. I saw my mom doing everything by herself and I decided I didn't want children. But now that I have a boyfriend and I see how amazing he is with kids, I dunno.


Sunday, March 4, 2007


I have been tired all day and I just can't seem to fall asleep.

I am looking forward to visiting family. Especially my grandma whom I will be staying with. She has two black cats who both have yellow eyes. Sometimes you can't tell them apart so she usually feeds one cat treats twice. Then she gets mad and yells at the cat.

I have writer's block and it's a fucking blog.


Friday, March 2, 2007

Trying not to make eye contact with my bed.

So it is about quarter after midnight and I am about half-way done with my 10 page paper. I should have never taken this class. boo to thousand year old carbonized seeds. I am sorry they really don't turn me on.

on another note, Jill should be coming to visit me this weekend and I am very excited about it. It should be deviously fun.

I will be in Appleton/Menasha for part of spring break. I plan on coming back early because I totally bombed a test and he amazingly gave us the opportunity to retake it. So I will be doing that for the rest of my break.

My boyfriend threw up in my room today, bad fettucine alfredo. I felt bad cause I was just sitting there and I didn't really know how to help him. It's not like he has hair I can hold back. Garbage cans are wonderful for puke and such. I think he is kinda crabby cause he doesn't feel good but it could also be school stress. hmm.

I really don't have much to say.

Monday, February 26, 2007

So Close!

So spring break is so close yet so very far. Five days and half of the semester is over with. But I still have a ten page term paper to write in the mean time. Not very excited about this. I am procrastinating hardcore and I shouldn't be because I know better than anybody else that leads to lesser grades when I am capable of so much more.

For my Spanish class we are in the film part of the course and so far the movies have been pretty good. Today I watched Todo Sobre Mi Madre. It was fabulous and I suggest that everyone see that movie. I am planning on purchasing it, eventually maybe not for a long time haha.

Long story short I broke my fricken humidifier and now I can hear both my neighbors converstions. Boo to that. One of them plays video games night and day and likes anime and heavy metal. There is nothing wrong with any of these things, in fact I enjoy some of them, but I am trying to sleep by midnight so please shut the fuck up.


Tuesday, February 20, 2007


Trying to live off of less than a hundred dollars isn't going to work. I didn't think I would ever be this down for money. But here I am bills coming up at the end of this month and the beginning of February and I have no money to pay them with. I don't get payed until the 15th of March. Fuck. Like anything else I'll figure it out but it doesn't help to stress about this stuff when I also have a midterm exam and term paper coming up that I need to do extra good on.

Citrusmint gum is no good.

Haters. Why when something goes extra good are there haters? People need to mind their own business. It's a waste of their time really cause I remain happy while you sit there miserable with your punk ass hating on me.


Time goes by so fast while I am in school, it seems as if I just got here and spring break is already coming up in less than two weeks! That's crazy. But I will be glad to have half of this semester over with. I just need to get a job for the summer at the school so I can also have a place to live.


Monday, February 19, 2007

A change

It went like this.
Do you want to be my boyfriend?
Yes. I think my heart just stopped.
Can I be your girlfriend?



Saturday, February 17, 2007

Soft Baked

Cookies. I don't really crave chocolates and candies like I did when I was younger. But today my guy friend but some soft-baked cookies and I insisted on having a few. mmmm.

Anyways it's saturday night and I just don't feel like doing anything. I don't have the energy, I have a migraine and I just could care less about anything that is happening beyond my dorm room. As long as I am warm and comfortable I am good.

A funny. Went through the drive-thru today and my friend was driving. He was told to pull up to window number 2. As he passed window number 1 he continued on to pass number 2. I said and where do you think you are going? He stopped the car backed up and as I and another friend started laughing he said he would kill us if we told anyone what he had just done. It was very entertaining.


Friday, February 16, 2007


Today was an amazingly unporductive day, although it is not yet over with. I decided to skip my one class and sleep in which I did until 1:30, sleeping almost 12 hours. Then I got up checked my mail ate a "Wisconsin cheese bowl" That had about 75% noodles and25% cheese. I thought that was pretty lame too. I then went and signed my life away in the accounting office and dealt with the verbally shortest lady in the world. I then posted fliers all over the residential side of campus. I think I got just about every single dorm. So I got a little exercise. I then took a shower and got dressed and now I am typing this. It is about 4:30.

I love showers. Attending the college I do I have learned to appreciate clean habits. I have also learned to appreciate style and looking nice everyday. My campus is overwhelmed with hippies and people who don't take showers literally. They are all nice people don't get me wrong, I just like to smell good and look good. Also I don't go overboard I am a pretty layed back, so I don't plaster my face with makeup and have an updo every day. But every once-in-awhile I put heels on and put more makeup on than usual.

My shoulder hurts. I don't know what the hell I did to it but it has been sore for a couple of days and last night I couldn't sleep on it. Boooo to that.



Thursday, February 15, 2007

Arizona Iced Tea

yep good ol' Arizona Iced Tea comes in a ridiculously sized cans and is delicious. I thought my uncle was the coolest cause he used to drink these. I saw one at the pharmacy and decided to get it. Now it's just sitting on my desk staring at me. mmm.

Anyways today was another hard day because like I suspected I did not get into the program I wanted to get into. Although I can reapply for the summer of '08 (I am supposed to have graduated undergrad. by then but that isn't happening) They explained that they wanted me in the program and they knew I would easily become a leader in the program etc. but I was on vacation semester last semester so I can't get in. What a fucking bitch that is.

I have decided to drop my anthro. major down to a minor, that way I will have a major in Spanish and a minor in anthro. I am sick of the anthro. department and I have really lost touch with my original excitement about it. I don't see the big picture anymore. I have a strong dislike for cultural anthropology and I am getting sick of one of my professors bitchy attitudes. We are officially enemies.

I decided that I love literature, it's my passion, my hobby, why not do something in grad. school with that and maybe become a professor at a small liberal arts college? I think I could do that and still be totally me.

It's way too late for this...

So I have decided to start a new online journal/blog. I decided this at 12:45 at night when I should be studying for a Spanish exam.

Today was a really rough day. For one I am super stressed out like always. Two I turned in an F paper, I know it was an F. 3. I got an odd message from someone who is linked to a program I am really hoping to get into. I have a terrible twist in the pit of my stomach that is telling me I did not get in because of some marginal bullshit. So I was crying on and off. Although it was kinda hard to actually cry.

Besides that nonsense I went on a date with a really nice guy and had a lot of fun. We orginally wanted to go to Olive Garden but that was a joke. There were seriously cars parked down the street out of the parking lot! So we found a spot and walked around to the front and there is a crowd of 30 people in the lobby waiting to get tables! We just turned around and left hahaha! Anyways I had a lot of fun and I am really glad I went out and enjoyed myself instead of moping in self-hate and misery.

So for now I am fine, just tired. We will see what happens tomorrow.