Friday, February 16, 2007


Today was an amazingly unporductive day, although it is not yet over with. I decided to skip my one class and sleep in which I did until 1:30, sleeping almost 12 hours. Then I got up checked my mail ate a "Wisconsin cheese bowl" That had about 75% noodles and25% cheese. I thought that was pretty lame too. I then went and signed my life away in the accounting office and dealt with the verbally shortest lady in the world. I then posted fliers all over the residential side of campus. I think I got just about every single dorm. So I got a little exercise. I then took a shower and got dressed and now I am typing this. It is about 4:30.

I love showers. Attending the college I do I have learned to appreciate clean habits. I have also learned to appreciate style and looking nice everyday. My campus is overwhelmed with hippies and people who don't take showers literally. They are all nice people don't get me wrong, I just like to smell good and look good. Also I don't go overboard I am a pretty layed back, so I don't plaster my face with makeup and have an updo every day. But every once-in-awhile I put heels on and put more makeup on than usual.

My shoulder hurts. I don't know what the hell I did to it but it has been sore for a couple of days and last night I couldn't sleep on it. Boooo to that.



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