Thursday, February 15, 2007

Arizona Iced Tea

yep good ol' Arizona Iced Tea comes in a ridiculously sized cans and is delicious. I thought my uncle was the coolest cause he used to drink these. I saw one at the pharmacy and decided to get it. Now it's just sitting on my desk staring at me. mmm.

Anyways today was another hard day because like I suspected I did not get into the program I wanted to get into. Although I can reapply for the summer of '08 (I am supposed to have graduated undergrad. by then but that isn't happening) They explained that they wanted me in the program and they knew I would easily become a leader in the program etc. but I was on vacation semester last semester so I can't get in. What a fucking bitch that is.

I have decided to drop my anthro. major down to a minor, that way I will have a major in Spanish and a minor in anthro. I am sick of the anthro. department and I have really lost touch with my original excitement about it. I don't see the big picture anymore. I have a strong dislike for cultural anthropology and I am getting sick of one of my professors bitchy attitudes. We are officially enemies.

I decided that I love literature, it's my passion, my hobby, why not do something in grad. school with that and maybe become a professor at a small liberal arts college? I think I could do that and still be totally me.

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