Tuesday, February 20, 2007


Trying to live off of less than a hundred dollars isn't going to work. I didn't think I would ever be this down for money. But here I am bills coming up at the end of this month and the beginning of February and I have no money to pay them with. I don't get payed until the 15th of March. Fuck. Like anything else I'll figure it out but it doesn't help to stress about this stuff when I also have a midterm exam and term paper coming up that I need to do extra good on.

Citrusmint gum is no good.

Haters. Why when something goes extra good are there haters? People need to mind their own business. It's a waste of their time really cause I remain happy while you sit there miserable with your punk ass hating on me.


Time goes by so fast while I am in school, it seems as if I just got here and spring break is already coming up in less than two weeks! That's crazy. But I will be glad to have half of this semester over with. I just need to get a job for the summer at the school so I can also have a place to live.


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