Wednesday, March 14, 2007

so Unfair

So my little sister has been troubled medically since she was very little. It seems like it won't end. A few years ago they figured out her heart was beating oddly and could cause a deadly heart attack without medication. Now it looks like along with that she could have something much more serious and life shortening. I just can't understand why. Why my baby sister. She is so fucking amazing and intelligent and deserves the best of everything. why her and not some undeserving drunk fucker drug using piece of shit worthless to society asshole?? Why her? It's so Unfair. I can't use words to explain or even touch on how devestating this is, how much it hurts and worries. I think most frustrating is it is lifelong and can't be cured. With treatment she could possibly live a normal life but totally compromised by it. I know how Unfair life is I know I know I know I know but I still just can't accept it. Just fuck why can't it stop why can't things stay good or better? Atleast for her. Dammit! Fuck!



Anonymous said...

i'm so sorry, jessica. i know how you've always adored your little sister. but medicine is pretty advanced and continues to advanced -- it's quite possible that she could lead a normal life. *hugs* christina

Anonymous said...

i'm sorry to hear about your little sis, cuz. if you wanna discuss meds let me know.

of course it hurts... just try to be positive, for her sake.

Jessica said...

Thanks to both of you. I am dealing with it better but I had to have my I hate the world this sucks moment, heh. Anyways my sister doesn't yet know quite what is going on yet. My mom didn't tell her what it could possibly be and is waiting for the tests they'll get back from Milwaukee next week sometime to confirm if this is really what she has. I hope not but the chances are likely. love you guys!