Thursday, March 22, 2007


So today has been an interesting day, my boyfriend and I were both crabby and not feeling well even though we insist on still being around each other. Meh.

His mom is being a jerk. She took $500 from him without asking and doesn't want to pay it back and turns everything around on him. So he is in a delightful mood because of this. Parents gah! I am so glad I am over all that crap, if not most of it. I am glad I finally get along with my mom.

Anyways his financial toils have reminded me of my own. I have no money. Oh wait 18 in savings and 12 in checking. I managed to pay my bills this month but what about next month? And in the mean time I have absolutely no money in case of emergency or for food. Booooooooo.

Tomorrow I am going to souther IL. to attend an env'tal Arch. conference. It should be interesting and I am hoping more so than the class itself. Another archaeology professor of mine said the smaller conferences are more drunk than the bigger ones. Archaeologists if anyone does not know are well known for their drunken adventures at conferences. For example the SAA (Society for American Archaeology) was kicked out of St. Louis for 15 years because of the drunken fighting and parties that occured during it. What amazes me is the majority of these people have PhD.s or are in the process of obtaining one and are professors! Oh archaeology.

The title of my post is the name of a delicious Mexican sandwich that I am currently craving. They are the best and everyone should eat them.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

heh. conferences are awesome.

you will see... i will say no more :P