Tuesday, April 24, 2007

A note or two

I have a week and a half of school left and I can't believe it's almost over with. I have a regular exam, a final exam, final paper and two museum labels due and then I am done. After that I have to pack up my room and move into Tina's.

My moms birthday is on mother's day so that should be interesting especially considering I have no money at all. I need my tax return's really bad gah. My birthday is coming up really fast and finally I will be done with the last exciting birthday. Although this birthday probably won't be that exciting. I might go to a few bars but I really don't enjoy getting shit faced and puking all over the place.

So I got a job but it's been a week and the guy still hasn't gotten back to me on when I start. This makes me nervous because if he changed his mind I need to start looking for a job, now. I emailed him yesterday, but the museums are closed on mondays so I think he wasn't in, but still. Boooo to that.

On another random note, I am ridiculously happy. Yeah I have everyday stresses, angers, downers, but I am happy. I am happy with me and who I am. Struggling with depression really held me back and I feel like this last semester the last cloud was finally lifted.

Another happy aspect: my boyfriend. We have only been together for a few months but it feels like a much longer time. We were immediately comfortable around each other and out of that a friendship has sprung and out of that an infatuation. I don't want to say it's love although sometimes it's hard not to tell him I love him. It could easily become love and I can't wait for that. I can see us being together for a long time, and I am really excited. I want to be with him and I have managed to push aside the commitment scares the hell out of me stuff. And I can say pretty safely he is at the same place as me. : )

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

i'm so glad to hear that you are happy. if you can find happiness, on a level above and beyond the day to day shit, you've come a long way from the pits of hell we grew up in...


-yo cuz