Thursday, March 8, 2007

Back on Campus

Spring break is really not all it's cracked up to be. I remember my freshman year when spring break came around and we were all like ok so where do we go? what do we do? And then reality set in and we all went home. hahahaha. MTV makes it seem like everyone goes down to Mexico for spring break, not quite.

I am glad I went home. I stayed with my grandma and it was a lot of fun, free food, and a place to sleep. I am a homebody so my grandma didn't do much worrying cause by the time she got off work at 11p.m. I was already there.

I also got to see some of my cousins, my sister and mom. It was a nice few days. It is also good to be back.

I would like to live off campus but I don't know how I would go about doing this. Especially considering I don't work more than 10 hours a week. I wish there was housing that allowed students to have pets, that's all I really want. Animals are such a stress relief.

The rest of this semester is going to be hard because the weather is starting to get nicer. I just can't believe it's half over already. I like taking things day by day. But it's crazy to think back on how long I have been in college etc.

It was super weird being back home because I was living and working there for 8 months just like any other average jane. When I was there I didn't want to leave but now that I am back on campus I don't want to go back home.

I had a dream the other night that I was pregnant and had a baby and I woke up totally happy and rested. It was strange considering I have always said I don't want children. I think part of that stemmed from the father figures I had growing up. I saw my mom doing everything by herself and I decided I didn't want children. But now that I have a boyfriend and I see how amazing he is with kids, I dunno.



Anonymous said...

spring break is overrated anyway.

i admit that your partner is a much bigger influence on your thoughts on having children than your father figure(s) growing up. i can testify to that myself. part of me wonders if i should be concerned about this but i know you're smart enough to really think that over before jumping into that pool. ;)

Jessica said...

oh yeah don't worry I don't want children currently. My career and school is number one currently and I can't let anything compromise that. Ten years from now... maybe I could have a kid, MAYBE.