Monday, May 7, 2007


I turned in my last final at midnight tonight and it felt so fricken good! Except I tripped up the stairs to the library to print my final off. It was fairly embarassing cause my manila envelope went flying and so did I. Atleast it was dark out. Stupid stairs.
I feel really good about this last semester. I fell like I finally buckled down and put serious effort into my work and classes. Makes me feel good about myself. I didn't go out nearly as much and haven't really been hanging out with anyone except my boyfriend but oh well.
I can't wait to go home. I am home sick and I just want good food. Commons food will never be good. It just won't.
This summer should be fun too because I will be running the Anthro. museum here on campus.
Two more weeks and I am 21. I am not as excited as I thought I would be, maybe it's cause I am exhausted.
Sleep is calling.